Afrofuturism Film Festival

Empowering Afrofuturism
Through Visionary Cinematic Creations.

Unleash Your Imagination, Shape the Future - Submit Your Film Today!

Afrofuturism Film Festival '24

Showcasing Films Submitted to AFF for the 2024 Film Festival.

AFF Student Challenge

Our special selection of student films showcasing up and coming talent.

Our Partners

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Explore the Categories

Futuristic Narratives Unveiled on Screen

Discover the heart of Afrofuturism through captivating films. From groundbreaking visual effects to compelling storytelling, films transport audiences to imaginative worlds that celebrate African and diasporic cultures. In this category, we honor filmmakers who breathe life into the genre, pushing boundaries, and expanding the Afrofuturist cinematic universe.

Unwritten Futures Take Shape in Words

Scripts are the foundation of visionary cinema. They lay the groundwork for directors, actors, and production teams to bring Afrofuturist stories to life. In this category, we celebrate the brilliance of writers who craft compelling narratives, exploring uncharted territories and envisioning futures that challenge conventions.

Visual Artistry: Portals to Afrofuturist Worlds

Posters serve as gateways to Afrofuturist realms. They capture the essence of films, enticing audiences with stunning visuals and thought-provoking design. In this category, we recognize the talented artists who merge creativity and cultural significance, inviting viewers to embark on extraordinary journeys through their artwork.

The Afrofuturism Film Festival stands as a pivotal force in the film industry, fostering talent, showcasing the Afrofuturism genre, and offering a one-of-a-kind platform that enriches the entire cinematic landscape.
Anchored by four key pillars, this festival contributes significantly to the industry's evolution:

The festival serves as a nurturing ground for emerging filmmakers, providing a platform for new voices to be heard. It actively seeks out and elevates untapped talent, offering opportunities for fresh perspectives to shape the industry.

Afrofuturism, a genre rooted in African heritage, is at the heart of this festival. It celebrates the rich tapestry of African and diasporic cultures, exploring futuristic narratives that reimagine the world. Through films, scripts, and posters, it shines a spotlight on the cultural significance and artistic innovation within this genre.

The festival champions diversity and inclusion within the film industry. By highlighting underrepresented voices and perspectives, it broadens the cinematic conversation. It serves as a beacon, illuminating the importance of diverse storytelling and fostering a more inclusive and equitable film community.

The Afrofuturism Film Festival is not just a niche event; it's an inspirational force that reverberates throughout the entire film industry. Its commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring uncharted territories inspires filmmakers, artists, and industry professionals to think beyond convention, encouraging the industry to evolve and embrace new horizons.

We helped over 1,000 businesses increase their online visibility

In essence, the Afrofuturism Film Festival is a transformative force within the film industry, uniting talent, culture, diversity, and innovation under one visionary umbrella. Through its four key pillars, it not only empowers emerging artists but also ignites a broader dialogue about the future of cinema, propelling the industry into uncharted and exhilarating realms.Trey Ford

Jacksonville, Florida
February 23-25, 2024


Attendee Weekend 3 Day Pass

Opening Night Networking & After Party
Access to Film Festival Screenings
Access to Film Festival Workshops
Access to Festival Award Ceremony
Special Swag Bag
Closing Networking & Private Sunday Brunch
*Special Hotel Pricing Available

Opening Night + Festival

Opening Night Networking & After Party
Access to Film Festival Screenings
Access to Film Festival Workshops
Access to Festival Award Ceremony
Special Swag Bag

Flat Rate Submission

1 Film (10 mins or less)
1 Script
1 Movie Poster

Student Admission

1 Student Produced Film
1 Student Written Script
1 Student Designed Movie Poster
1 AFF Attendance Certificate

Support the next big industry event

Empowering Afrofuturism
Through Visionary Cinematic Creations.

Unleash Your Imagination, Shape the Future - Submit Your Film Today!